Tag Archives: Want

SOC Sunday / Backyard Daydream

12 Jun

It’s SOC Sunday again! What follows is five minutes of unedited, uninterrupted writing, hosted by all.things.fadraIf you want more info on the details of SOC Sundays, or want to take part yourself, hit the button at the end of the post:

I can’t decied if I want to write about the picnic table ideal or being the new kid in the world of “mommyblogging.” (it seems that any blogger is automatically labeled a mom blog if she is a mother, and why does that carry a stigma? I will save that for a full post actually because I have a lot to say. )

So I started watching a new show Parenthood and I love the show. It’s great. But it is the outdoor picnic table at the parents house that really sticks in my mind. The mis-matched chairs, the white lights strung from trees, the tuts f flowers here and there, and the family gathered around it.

Our own backyard has gone through some serious transformations. WHen I first moved here , there was a HUGE tree that blocked out all the sun, so it was just a swath of violets. It was gorgeous, much like a small patch of forest smack dab in the middle of suburbia, but hte neighbors did not like it. We also knew that we would have kids someday and wanted grass to play in. So we had the monster tree cut down, planted grass, and put in a little patio. IT is getting to my vision of what I want in a backyard, but it is slow going. VERY slow going. And much of that has to do with the fact that I always find something else that is more imortant to do on the weekend than the manual labor it would entail to get the yard to be where I want it. Also, logistically, my ideal outdoor area just logistically doesn’t fit in with my cute suburban bungalow.

Maybe someday. Someday, I will have my own approximation of an outdoor dining room with mis-matched chairs and white lights strung up, with the scent of flowers hanging in the warm air. Family will gather around it, and friends will join us for leisurely dinners on those gorgeous, hot summer nights.

…and I have gone over time!
