Archive | May, 2011

SOC Sunday / Civil War Remembrance

29 May

I have decided to take part in SOC Sundays, hosted by all.things.fadra. What follows is my very first attempt at an unedited “writing i the raw.” Part of me feels as i I should have written about something introspective, as free-writing always feels like an intimate journal entry to me. But I have spared you all!! ( Maybe next week I will delve into my inner psyche, mwahahaha.)

SOC starts after the picture:

It is shaping up to be a beautiful day here. The forecast called for thunderstorms this weekend, but this morning is gorgeous and sunny. It makes me sad in a way, because this is Memorial Day Weekend and the Civil War reenactment is going on at Greenfield Village. And because out little tot is a bit too young, hasn’t started her shots yet, and isn’t routinely taking a bottle, we are staying home. And that was allright since it was going to be raining all weekend, or so I justified it to myself. But it is nice out now and I really want to go hang with the role players down at the Village.

We went last year and it was my first time. The event blew my mind – I had so much fun. Since I have never been to another one of these, I have no basis for comparison, but I suspect that the one at the Village is pretty huge and spectacular. Not quite like your local troupe re-enacting the event on the village green. And I may be wrong, so apologies if I have offended any local Troupes!  The role-players camp out for the entire weekend, with utter commitment to the time period. and the setting of the historic Greenfield Village really really adds to the event.

And I am happy that the weather will be nice for everyone who did get to go this year.

Sigh…Next Year. Definitely next year.

If you want more info on the details of SOC Sundays, or want to take part yourself, hit the button:
