Archive | October, 2009

A Bountiful Samhain

29 Oct

This weekend is Halloween. I will be dressing up as an academic professional and infiltrating the MWPCA/ACA conference on Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror and Humor this weekend in downtown Detroit. I hope there is candy.

This fall is proving to be incredibly hectic, and I do want to keep in touch amidst the chaos, so over the next few weeks, I am going to be posting some short “thoughts on file” from various books that I have read. I say this because one day I may post something about World War Z, and the next day may be a reflection on Anna Karenina. You might get whiplash from the topics flying out of opposite ends of the spectrum with no warning, and so here is a little heads up.

My long term goal – to begin after the upcoming holidays – is to begin conducting read-alongs. When that starts, I will announce a book (or you can suggest one!), and we can all read along together.

For now, let’s all ambrace the randomness…and have a happy and safe Halloween weekend!
